Nailed It!

This Saturday, 13th July we play the Belper Nailed It music festival. We’ll be headlining the Railway stage at 10pm and playing some of our new album.

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Check out the gigs page for more details including our upcoming shows at YNot and Beautiful Days before our killer 💿 🚀 gig at Dubrek! Tickets are very limited so get in quick here!

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Album News and Festivals!

We are busy getting the mix downs and mastering done this month and hope to announce a release date for the new album 🔜!

In the meantime we have lots of great festivals and gigs so check your diaries and please support as much as you can 👌

Our first gig of the year was this beauty at The Vic! image description It was a fantastic day and we met so many great performers and people on the day. Over £320 was raised for Derby Refugee Solidarity!

Next gigs:

Tomorrow we set off for our first trip to Dorset and the beautiful little Cursus Festival!

Cursus Festival image description

Silk Mill Festival image description

Nailed It Festival image description

YNot Festival image description image description

Recording Progress

Last week we went to Dubrek Studios in Derby to record our debut album. Starting on the Tuesday morning we set up for Day 1 - We went straight into recording the bass and drums for the first 5 songs. All of which were recorded together and live. Although this added a bit of time it took to record, it gave a better feel and far more natural. A live guitar and vocal were played instead of using a click track, again adding to the live sound. Day 2 - Chris and Dave completed the remaining 5 songs and we went onto some vocals. Bek added some guide sax🎷 to help when we recorded Echoed Whispers. Day 3 - Ben (that’s me) laid down a tonne of guitars and managed to blow the valves on his amp, luckily we had spares and a cool new amp which tracked really well! We then got Bek and Alex onto the Alto and Bari sax 🎷 and they tracked all of their parts. Bek went onto Accordion 🪗 and that ended an exhausting day. Day 4 - Bek got the Soprano sax 🎷 put on the final songs, before Alex got the Mandola & Bazouki parts all done. Last but not least we had to get all the vocals down, by this point Ben’s vocals were getting well stretched so we mixed in some backing vocals during the day. As just as quick as it started we were all done. We now await the mix downs next month! image description image description

YNot here we come!

Sorry it’s been so long, we have locked ourselves away working on our debut album so it’s been heads down and practice, practice, practice. We had a welcome message saying we are returning to YNot Festival after popular demand! We are back at Flamingo Jacks on the Friday, due to the massive crowd that saw us there last time. Join us and some of the top bands, comedians and DJs the country has to offer. Join us for our annual Mr Motivator session on the Saturday.

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Tickets available here.

Metronome - Ticking along nicely

So this time last week we were gearing up for our last gig of the year at The Metronome in Nottingham. Unbeknown to us we were getting reviewed by Overtone Magazine. The gig went really well and all the acts smashed it, here is what they said about us: “Next up were the awesome 5 Hills Out. I’d actually never heard of them before seeing them here, but they certainly have a new fan in me! The band have such an interesting blend of styles, all of which they pull of well live. Whether it’s punk, ska, folky or even indie, just when I thought I’d nailed the band down sonically, they’d go and surprise me by switching it up. But as I said, the band played each style to perfection, and clearly had fun doing it. And they were practically playing to a hometown crowd too, which is always nice. I’m gonna have to keep an eye on them as they’re so close to me, and I’ll definitely be seeing them again when I can!” image description The full review can be found here!

It’s been a bit quiet??

Hi, we just wanted to give you all a bit of an update as to why 5 Hills Out are currently a little quiet. Just over 4 weeks ago, our lovely drummer Chris was involved in a road accident, whilst out cycling and he has been in hospital ever since. It was scary for a while and he has a way to go with his recovery, but he is doing really well, under the care of our fabulous NHS. We are really looking forward to playing together again, but for now the nurses and co will have to put up with him drumming on any surface going! On a similar note, we want to give a big shout out to our wonderfully talented Alex, for battling through cancer this year, not that you’d know apart from the ever changing hair colour, she hasn’t missed a single gig! The woman is a force to be reckoned with! So there you go, we have a couple of acoustic gigs lined up, but that’ll be it until next year. We’ll be taking some time out, working on a load of new material, ready to come back with a bang in 2024, when Chris is back on his feet and ready to rock. Thank you for your support, we love you all! ❤️Chris Alex

Beautiful Days?? 🌧️ ☔️ ⛈️

What a month of gigs it’s been for the band! YNot Festival will live in our memories forever, 🌻’s will go down in Flamingo Jacks folklore after the crowd took it to their hearts 🥰 A wet but enjoyable Riverside Festival followed, where we stripped it down to an acoustic 4 piece performance. Some fans travelled over 100 miles to see us, some said they swam from Newark 😂we appreciate you all! Next up is Beautiful Days Festival, hopefully we get a break in the ☁️, if you are there please support us as we will have no amplification! image description

Busy Month!

So today we head out to Y Not Festival to play one of our biggest shows of the Summer. We will be starting things off on the Flamingo Jacks stage on Friday! image description This gig comes off the back of a busy month where we’ve been playing every week. We played a great show at Belper Nailed it Festival, and managed to dodge the 🌧️ image description We then played all the way down in Stourport with The Bleeding Hearts image description If you missed any of these shows (why?) then catch us at the Riverside festival on the 5th August! image description

Thank You - 🦩 here we come!

A massive thank you to everyone who voted for us to play at Y Not Festival. We are really pleased to say that with your help we have bagged a slot on the Flamingo Jacks stage! This is a massive achievement and means we get to play to an even bigger crowd, on an even bigger stage with an even bigger sound system! Some tickets are still available here

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Festival Dates

We are pleased to announce our festival tour this year, come and join us at some of these great gigs and check out our new material live! image description

Shortlist at YNot Festival

We have been shortlisted by YNot Festival to play on one of their main stages. Last year saw us pack out the Hog & Barrel and it’s safe to say we won’t fit you all in there again this year image description Please help us by clicking on the link here and voting for 5 Hills Out image description

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